I set up a henna stall at the summer fayre of the primary school where I work and it was a huge hit. The queue was so long that I ended up working for an hour and a half after over the fayre's closing time because the girls just wouldn't let me go home until they'd had their hands painted!
Since the recipients of the henna tattoos were young girls, the school committee had reservations about using real henna, so I used washable body paint instead. It was actually the first time I'd done henna with body paint and used brushes to paint the tattoos - it turned out much harder than I expected as the technique is very different to using a henna cone.
Nevertheless, I was pleased with the outcome and mothers were much more comfortable with their girls receiving washable tattoos rather than a real henna stain. I've learnt recently that body paint can be transferred to henna cones, so I hope to to do this next time I hold a henna stall for children so that I can make 'truer' henna patterns.
How cute is this little hand?? This gorgeous girl was about three years old and was dying to get a pattern with a pink gem *aww*
Although I was a little worried about using body paint, in hindsight I can say that it worked out perfectly for the enjoyment of little people (with the addition of some glitter and bling). The organisers of the fayre were also pleased and suggested we make this a regular stall for the annual fayre (yay!) so I'm looking forward to doing it again in the coming years.
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